Saturday, September 5, 2009

Fred the Butterfly

As a little boy I guess it is normal to bring your mom presents from outside, but I am always a little cautious of what he brings in the house. So when I hear Sa'd yelling up from the stairs, "Do we have a glass jar with a lid? I can only imagine what they caught. Knowing that the jelly jar was empty I cleaned it out and took the label off. I even poked holes in the lid, to make sure that what ever they caught would be able to breath. I then tossed the jar down stairs and a few minutes later Kaiden came up stairs holding the jelly jar wide eyed with a huge grin on his face. "Mom, mom" he shouts, as he hands me this jar with some creature in it. "Wow, what did you catch Kaiden?" I say, secretly praying that it is nothing too gross, or that maybe it is already dead. But, luckily it is just a butterfly. Phew, I thought at least its not a snake, spider, bug etc.
How proud Kaiden was with his jar and "Fred the butterfly" he walked around with it and showed his brother Luke. Then it was time to let his friend fly away. Sadly, we said bye to Fred the butterfly and off he flew. Which was a relief because after all the abuse that poor butterfly took, I'm glad he could fly away.

Bus Ride

Kaidens other love in life is buses. We were driving one day and he shouted out "Mom, bus!" Which was the first time he had ever said that. Then of course like we always do, Sa'd and I went nuts. We were so thrilled and surprised that he said bus. So we tried to get him to say it again, which of course he didn't. Some times we wish we had real life DVR, so when we don't quite catch what he said, we could just rewind a few seconds. But now he says bus all the time, let me emphasize that ALL the time. When we are in the car its "Mom, Mom, Mom, Mom" "Yes Kaiden" "Bus" If I don't answer him quick enough, then he doesn't stop saying Mom. So during the summer we decided to ride the city bus down to Irvine Spectrum. Sa'd looked up the schedule and we began our adventure. We only had to take one bus all the way down Irvine Center Drive. We then got off at Irvine Spectrum and walked around for a little while. But then we got anxious and headed back to the bus stop. We thought we only had 30 minutes to get there, but soon found out that we had to wait forty minutes. This trip then got a little more stressful. A 40 minute wait on the side of a busy street with a toddler and an infant. What were we thinking? I don't know how people ride buses all the time. It is such a weird feeling to be somewhere without a car. I felt a little abandoned and anxious. I don't think I would be a great bus rider, but we did have a new appreciation for our car. Overall, it was a great trip. Kaiden had a blast and when you talk about it or he sees pictures, his face lights up. To me, that makes all my anxiety and stress worth it.

P.s. Bring plenty of hand sanitizer!!

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Loving Summer

This is my first blog ever, how exciting! Well, I am so excited we have been having such a great summer hanging out with friends and visiting new parks. Kaiden and Luke have been swimming so much this summer, that I think they are going to turn into little fish. We have been to many new parks, the splash pad in Westminster, The O.C Fair, 4th of July Parade in Huntington Beach, Fireworks, Disneyland, fishing at Great Grandpa's Lake, getting our first Library card and the pool. If they only knew how much fun their lives are. Can't wait to see what the rest of the summer holds. Kaiden just turned two years old and had a great birthday party at Grandma's pool and Clubhouse. Wow how time flies!